Ethan is 4 months old today! At 4 months Ethan:
- sleeps through the least 10 hours
-holds himself up and plays on his own in his exercauser
-knows VERY well who his mommy and daddy are, and smiles every time he sees them
-wakes up SO happy every morning and is so playful.
-takes his BEST naps on mommy or daddy's chest
-loves Christmas tree lights!
-halfway roll over from his back to his belly. Just that darn belly seems to get in his way before he can finish.
Update: at Ethan's 4 Month well-baby check up today:
He weighs 18 lbs, 11 oz...and measures 25 1/2 inches. So he remains in the 95% on weight and 75% on height. He's hit all his markers and looks like he is growing right on track. Dr. Skelley says we are ready to introduce rice we'll see how that goes.
He is getting so big! I love that smile!
He's so handsome and happy...Keep up the good work!
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