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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sensitive skin?

Ethan has been diagnosed with severe acid reflux, and it's the cause of his swallowing issues as well. According to the time he is 2, with the consistent reflux medication, he should be healed. (BIG PRAISE) When Ethan gets the runny nose, and congestion and gunk...we take Chlordex for the congestion. Suddenly last week Ethan keeps getting these red marks anywhere he touches himself or if we touch him anywhere. They don't stay too long, but we're out of guesses on the cause. I post all this to ask if any other moms/dads have seen this in their kids or what might cause it?

1 comment:

Chris & Whitney said...

Hey Lindsey - my first thought is maybe new laundry products, but you have probably already thought of that...are the marks raised?