Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Break is Over

with daddy on the carousel
with daddy on the choo choo
he wanted to carry his own packages from the store
riding with daddy
Mr. Fix It is fixing the 4 wheeler for daddy
so excited to be "driving" and pushing all the buttons

Ethan was out of school for 3 weeks before the fall started up again. The Sunday before he started back, we had lots of fun just enjoying hanging out as a family before we get back into routine. We went to the zoo, back to school shopping, and then some 4 wheeling around the apartments.

My teeeeeth

This has become one of Ethan's favorite activities...brushing his teeth. He's not perfected it, but practice will make perfect someday :)

Ethan's 2nd Birthday-Family Dinner

these 2 cousins were FAST friends and very wild together!
Birthday boy's favorite meal...chicken strips, cheetohs, and juuuuice
another awesome creation from Diane and also super delicious!
our little family pic before blowing out candles
Ethan took his toys into his new garage and he didn't want to share his space in there, he kicked Garett out and was getting very bossy!

I took Ethan to Party City to pick his decorations for the family party at my mom and dad's house. He of course chose Cars.....which of course he got mostly gifts with wheels b/c that's what he loves. He also got some fun outdoor toys like golf clubs and a tricycle so we can play out in the parking lot here :)

Ethan's 2nd Brithday-Gymboree

cupcakes by diane...they looked JUST like the invitation & super delicious as always and other kiddo snacks
bringing the drinks, just like daddy

finally participating!

probably the favorite activity- the parachute
wanting uncle courtney to open the bathketball
checking out some of the goodies
I see this face quite a lot, means he's not getting his way

sitting with his crush Lila and cousin Madi

Ethan and Madi in the party favors

We had Ethan's big birthday party at Gymboree on August 8. We invited our little church friends, neighbor friends, family, and our "aunts and uncles". Ethan was overwhelmed at times and not too big on the group activities other than the parachute, but as long as you let him do what he wanted and kept the animal crackers coming....he had lots of fun! We really appreciate everyone coming to help us celebrate his big day!

Ethan drummer boy

A few weeks ago, Ethan really got excited about having an audience here with his mama, dada, grammy, and papaw and REALLY went to town on the rockband drumset. He is so dramatic about and gets into it like a real performance. We might have a budding musician on our hands!


notice a pattern? ethan can put on his own sunglasses and gets so proud of himself, but he prefers them upside down! (more iphone images)

rainy day mod

Brandon's been dying to take Ethan to the zoo, so we loaded up a few weeks ago and then the rain started, so we went to the museum of discovery instead. Ethan loves to play in the big trucks, but doesn't really care for sharing them. These photos are on the iphone with poor lighting, sorry they're blurry.

post signature

Cupcakes for School

We took cupcakes for Ethan's last day of summer school and when I picked him up, there was one left with his backpack. He of course wanted it, so I told him he could have it when he got home....then I decided I'd rather have the mess outside than in the apartment. Ethan doesn't really like stuff like this so we played with it outside in the heat until the icing slid off and then we went inside to clean up.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Our Turn...Going Private

Well....Brandon and I talked about it a while back when everyone started going private. And I really don't think we even have many people read this b/c I'm terrible about updating it. But after the news tonight and a story about the misuse of family blogs...I think it's time. We started this for friends and family to keep up with us and our sweet little man, and we want to keep it that way. So PLEASE send me your email addresses if you want to be added to the list. Email me at Even family members who think i have their emails, PLEASE email it to me so I get them all together for our list. I'm planning to make the change a week from Saturday....on August 15.